
Families can return to Kurtekotten

The staff at the Bayer 04 academy are constantly working hard to keep the hygiene plan up-to-date. The primary target remains the protection of the health of the players, members of staff and visitors.

"We made very good progress early on in working out our hygiene and safety plan for Kurtekotten," said Maximilian Straub, a staff member at the academy and, together with Pierre de Wit, responsible for the Leverkusen U12s. "This plan has long served as a basis for us to be able to respond every week to the latest developments relating to the coronavirus pandemic." Training at Kurtekotten resumed on 21 July. And that was thanks to a large number of arrangements and precautionary measures.

The changes are immediately visible at the roundabout at the entrance to the academy. The youth players follow a dedicated route – in a one-way system – that goes through the whole sports complex. The individual coaches collect the players in small groups at the entrance to the main building and allocate them to specific dressing rooms. A maximum of six players are allowed in the dressing rooms at one time for the U8 to U13 teams. With the older year groups, the number is limited to eight for the bigger changing rooms. "In addition, we have adjusted the times for processes before and after training – as with showering and getting dressed – to significantly minimise the time spent in the building," explained Maximilian Straub.

One-way system at Kurtekotten


The staff at Kurtekotten are particularly happy about one thing: Family and friends of the young players are now allowed to come and watch them again. Albeit, only when the youth players are on the training pitches. A contact form has to be completed at the entrance in writing or via a smart phone. Visitors are also obliged to wear face coverings throughout the complex. "The step of being allowed to give friends and family members access to the sports complex is also thanks to the hard work in the youth section and the support of the whole club," declared Thomas Eichen, head of the youth section at Bayer 04.

Visitors to the academy also follow a dedicated one-way system. This is marked out with arrows on the floor. The different areas are separated by barriers. Crosses have been placed every two metres on the ground in the spectator areas of the training pitches to enable spectators to maintain physical distancing. "The response to our numerous measures has been very positive. The parents are very satisfied and happy that we keep them and the players up-to-date on a regular basis. Everybody involved knows how important this communication is," said U12 coach Maximilian Straub.

Another measure of the hygiene plan: All coaches, members of staff and players at Bayer 04 complete a health check on their smart phones every day. This involves seven questions on potential coronavirus symptoms and has to be filled out between seven o'clock in the morning and midday.

Regular communication with the authorities

The plan for Kurtekotten was designed to be able to react quickly at any time to new regulations and developments with the pandemic. Weekly meetings are held and there is communication with other clubs on a regular basis. In addition, Bayer 04 are constantly in discussion with the relevant authorities in the city. Health protection remains the number one priority – including at Kurtekotten.


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