3.12.2023Social Commitment

2023 Bayer 04 Volunteers Award goes to Roleber, Oberpleis and Glehn

For the 17th time, Bayer 04 Sportförderung gGmbH has awarded the Volunteers Award for outstanding commitment to football in Leverkusen and the surrounding region. The three outstanding clubs in 2023 are BSV Roleber 1919, TuS 05 Oberpleis and SV 1924 Glehn. They will each receive prize money of €5,000.

The award and the associated prize money are aimed at particularly committed clubs from the Middle Rhine (FVM) and Lower Rhine (FVN) football associations. Since 2007, Bayer 04 Sportförderung gGmbH has awarded the Volunteers Award, which has already provided 55 clubs with more than €250,000 in financial support. Last year, the prize went to SV Schlebusch 1923 e.V., Vorwärts Spoho 98 e.V. and DJK Rheinkraft Neuss 1914 e.V.. Once again this year, 46 clubs from both areas of the association applied.

This year's winners were honoured on Sunday, 3 December, during the Werkself’s Bundesliga home match against Borussia Dortmund at the BayArena by the advisory board, consisting of Fernando Carro (Bayer 04 managing director), Peter Frymuth (FVN president), Dirk Brennecke (FVM managing director) and Marc Adomat (Leverkusen city director).


“Volunteering is a fundamental component of football,” said Carro. “The voluntary work of each and every individual in sport conveys and promotes values that are indispensable for our society. The award is not just about recognising the winners. We also want to honour all other applicants for their day-to-day implementation of innovative projects and hope that numerous clubs and individuals will continue to get involved in the future.”

The 2023 winners

BSV Roleber 1919

BSV Roleber 1919 has looked ahead to the future with its sustainability concept and its numerous associated key topics. The concept pursues an innovative approach that goes far beyond a purely social commitment. This includes switching to fair trade products within the club, replacing old refrigerators, switching to LED lighting and setting up a sustainability working group.

TuS 05 Oberpleis

TuS 05 Oberpleis submitted a very comprehensive application. The ‘Fit for you and Planet blue’ exercise programme developed in collaboration with Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences played a major role in this. The aim of the programme is to offer sustainable and, above all, free outdoor sports activities. The prize money is to be used for new project ideas.

SV 1924 Glehn

SV 1924 Glehn runs various projects to promote the village community. One of these successful projects is ‘Hanna's Hope’ in Namibia. Funds generated to date and in the future are to be donated. Glehn's application in 2022 had already been very positive and the club had already won the Volunteers Award in 2011.

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