
Fan information for away game at Feyenoord

Ahead of the opening match in the UEFA Champions League 2024/25 away to top Dutch club Feyenoord on Thursday, 19 September (kick-off: 18.45 CEST), the Bayer 04 Fan Liaison team has all the info you need for the match at Feyenoord's De Kuip stadium…

In preparation for the forthcoming Champions League away game at Feyenoord on 19 September, Bayer 04 endeavour to guarantee a fair and above all safe stadium experience for all spectators. Bayer 04 are in close contact with the hosts, the Feyenoord management as well as the Dutch and German authorities.

Due to the potentially explosive nature of this game, Bayer 04 ask all fans to behave peacefully and responsibly at the De Kuip stadium as well as in the city of Rotterdam. Bayer 04 also ask fans to avoid conflict situations arising before the game through sensible behaviour. The following local circumstances are to be expected:

  • Animosity to identifiable Bayer 04 fans
  • Aggressive behaviour from home fans
  • Strict approach by the local police
  • Being kept behind for at least 30 minutes after the final whistle

Bayer 04 will try to do everything to make the game into an atmospheric but above all peaceful football fest. Together with the hosts Feyenoord, who Bayer 04 have a mutually confident relationship with, we ask for the support of all fans.


  • Strict rules apply in the Netherlands and it is possible to be ejected from the stadium for trivial matters or given a stadium ban.
  • A stadium ban automatically includes a fine of up to €450.
  • The home fans particularly gather to the south side of the stadium so this area is to be avoided.
  • We recommend not wearing colours throughout the city.
  • We assume there will be the usual keeping fans behind after the final whistle but we have no control over that (the decision is made by the Dutch police).
  • Being kept behind (from 80 minutes) is for reasons of safety with Bayer 04 fans staying in the block and not on the concourse so there will be no catering provision from that point in the game.
  • Border controls are possible in the Netherlands and in Germany so identification documents must be carried.


  • Away entrance: Entrances 61-64
  • Away blocks: GG, FF, HH, JJ
  • On entering the stadium (see F there will be strict checks (pre-ticket check, ticket scan & body searches)
  • Alcohol checks are possible – people under the influence of alcohol may be refused entry.
  • There are no storage facilities.
  • Payment for food and drink is exclusively cashless
  • There is a strict smoking ban throughout the stadium and non-compliance can lead to ejection from the stadium.
  • By purchasing a ticket, the currently valid stadium regulations for the De Kuip stadium and the General Ticket Terms and Conditions (ATGB) at Feyenoord are recognised.

General Ticket Terms and Conditions at Feyenoord (in Dutch)


prohibited items

  • Bags and rucksacks larger than A4
  • Far-right ideology and associated symbols
  • Cannabis and other drugs
  • Brought-in food and drink
  • Professional cameras
  • Tube scarfs, ski masks etc.
  • Aerosol containers (e.g. deodorants or hairspray)
  • Umbrellas
  • Walking sticks (even if required medically)

HERE is the complete list of prohibited items in Dutch.

 tickets/matchday ticket office

  • Ticket sales in Leverkusen have finished. All tickets have been sold.
  • Matchday ticket office: closed
  • Print@home tickets can also be stored on mobile phones.

Important ticket information: If you have not received your ticket by Tuesday at 14.00 or have misplaced your ticket, please contact the Bayer 04 service centre. On the day of the match, we as fan support have NO possibility of helping you if you have ticketing problems.

FAN parAphernalia

  • Permitted items:
    • Flags up to max. 2 metre pole length and with hollow plastic tube (PVC)
    • Fan club banners and fence flags (as long as space is available – exits must remain clear)
  • For ALL items we ask you to apply to by Tuesday, 17.09.20 24, at the latest
  • Banner and materials checks
    • To the left of the away entrance
    • With representatives of the fan liaison team

guide for people with disabilities

  • Register for away wheelchair spaces via our disability fan liaison officer Andreas ‘Paffi’ Paffrath (Tel.: 0049 (0)214 / 8660-860 / Email:

travel & parking

Unfortunately we do not have any information from Rotterdam to date regarding travel. We will publish those as soon as we have them. Please do not contact us on this matter.

  • Travel by public transport must avoid the wearing of colours.
    • Train stop “1”: Rotterdam Stadion
    • Tram stop “2”: Stadion Feijenoord.
    • Away entrance “B”
    • Away blocks “C”
    • Wheelchair users block “D”

food and drink

  • Payment: Exclusively cashless using EC and credit cards as well as mobile phones.

backpacks & bags

  • Bags and backpacks no larger than A4 size
  • No storage facilities available


  • Film and sound recordings for private purposes only.
  • NO professional equipment allowed (e.g. telephoto lenses, camera bags, additional lenses, tripods, screw-mountable cameras)

contacts & further INFORMATION

  • Your on-site Bayer 04 fan liaison contacts are: ‘Lucy’ Thum, Moritz Bremshey and ‘Sebo’ Friedrich, Fabian Sauer and Tim Gelshäuser
  • Fan liaison mobile phone number on matchday: 0049 (0)152 22 880 104
  • Contacts for Fanprojekt Leverkusen e.V.: Riccardo Bitonti and Michael Trojahn

If you require further information, we will keep you up-to-date on Facebook and Instagram.

Any questions before travelling? Then send an email to or call during the day on 0049 (0)214 8660 199.

We wish you a safe journey and a good match!

All information subject to change!!!

Best regards from the Fan House,
Lucy, Moritz, Sebo and Lisa
September 2024

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