
#B04eSports: Bayer 04 set up B04eAcademy and seek new eSports players

An opportunity for young talented players: In cooperation with the Academy of eSports, Bayer 04 have set up the B04eAcademy under the Cross. The aim is to offer young and ambitious talents the opportunity to earn a place in the #B04eSports team. Through an application phase and two tournaments plus a grand final event at the BayArena, two talented youngsters will be selected and will receive an eSports talent contract including six months of coaching.

Applications will be open from 15 to 22 July. That will be followed by two online tournaments. The first tournament will be held on 27 July and the second on 31 July. There will be a big final event at the BayArena on 4 August. Bayer 04, together with the Academy of eSports, will select two new Leverkusen eSports players from the pool of final participants.

Professional contract and Coaching

The two players selected will received a professional eSports talent contract with Bayer 04. In addition, they will have weekly coaching to improve their skills and ability. Coaching begins on 1 October and runs to 31 March 2025.

The two talents will also be taken into the VBL squad and, with good performances during coaching, will have the chance to play on the biggest EA FC stage in Germany.

register now!

Do you want to take up the chance of playing in the #B04eSports team? Then register by 22 July, click HERE to register.


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