19.07.2018Bayer 04

'I'm really looking forward to tough games'

Brazilian new signing Paulinho arrived in Leverkusen two days ago: The 18-year-old and his family were met by a Bayer 04 delegation at Frankfurt Airport on Tuesday morning and brought to the BayArena where he met his new team-mates. On Thursday, members of the media had the chance to put questions to the new number seven (with the help of interpreter Grischa Flaving) at the BayArena media centre.

Paulinho gave his views ...

…on impressions of the first days at Bayer 04:
"I'm very happy to be here. I was here recently for a visit where I had the chance to look around. My family and I are happy about the reception and support we've received. I hope I can pay that back with good performances.

…on the reasons for his move to Bayer 04:
"It's true there were approaches from a number of clubs. I was glad there was so much interest because that shows approval of my performances to some extent – even though you can't forget we had a successful season at my club ( Vasco da Gama). I opted for Bayer 04 in the end because the overall package suited me best: The club has a good reputation in Brazil and many of my fellow countryman have been successful here. The support I've had so far in all areas confirms that. I hope I can develop my game here."

…on his strengths and weaknesses on the pitch:
"Every player has to be able to criticise himself: I'm only 18-years-old – and there are lots of areas where I need to improve." 

…on his targets:
"My first target is settle in here quickly. And then, of course, I'd like to win titles. If you want to achieve something as a footballer, I think you have to want to win titles and work hard for that. The simple target has to be to want to win every game – and it doesn't matter whether that's in the Bundesliga, DFB Cup or Europa League. We want to go as far as we can in every competition and win titles. But that can only happen if you always want to win."

…on Brazilian predecessors at Bayer 04:
"Obviously, I know a lot of very good Brazilians have played here in the past including a number of internationals. A while ago, I was in contact with Jorginho at my former club Vasco (ed.; at Bayer 04 from 1989 to 92)  – he confirmed the good  impressions I had of Bayer 04 and was able to to stop me worrying. He said I could completely focus on playing football here because you get great support from Bayer 04 off the pitch as well."

…on the Bundesliga and the difference to Brazil:
"There are a lot of very strong teams in Germany and the league is very competitive and Bayer 04 are always looking to be at the top. I'm up for it and I'm really looking forward to the tough games we'll face. The big difference to the Brazilian league is in the intensity of the way football's played – in training as well as in matches. And that is the area where I need to fit in as soon as possible."

…on living in a foreign country:
"As a player, you quickly learn not to be afraid of many things. Of course, the move to Germany won't be easy for me but it has to be done. My family and I are very well prepared and I'm optimistic we'll do well here."

…on role models:
"I wouldn't like to talk about role models or idols but rather of 'mirroring'. I think all young players should have types of players they can mirror in terms of following them and trying to develop in a similar way. For me, that's Cristiano Ronaldo because he always works hard on his game, always wants to be better than the others and achieve more overall. I want to go a long way and I think his characteristics fit in well with mine."

…on support from his fellow countryman Wendell:
"Wendell has really helped me  from the start: He helps me a lot in the dressing room and in all the other areas – that makes me feel a bit more relaxed and calm. That means I can focus better on the reason I came here, that is playing football."

…on expectations of playing at the 2022 World Cup:
"Of course, I have certain expectations of myself. I'm still young but I believe I have to aim to be in the Seleção squad at the 2022 World Cup. But there's a lot to do before than."

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