28.03.2020Bayer 04

Earth Hour: BayArena switches the lights off for the planet

Today (Saturday), the lights at the BayArena will be switched off from 20.30 to 21.30 CET. As in previous years, Bayer 04 are again joining in with the climate protection campaign ‘Earth Hour’.

Thousands of cities and millions of people will again join the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) campaign in 2020 by switching lights off at the same time – as a sign for a living planet. In Leverkusen, in addition to the BayArena, the Ostermann Arena, the Water Tower and the Rathaus-Galerie will be in the dark to show combined support for climate and environmental protection.

This year, the annual solidarity event takes place during the coronavirus pandemic – albeit this time without people at the attractions. However, climate protection activists can take part in Earth Hour from home by switching off lights in their own four walls at the appointed hour. Photos and videos can be shared on social networks under the hashtag #EarthHour. Anybody in Germany looking to join like-minded citizens can link up digitally via the nationwide Facebook event organised by WWF Germany.

The campaign aims to take a joint stand for environmental and climate protection. It’s an hour for the planet earth – hence the name Earth Hour. The campaign first started in Sydney on 31 March 2007. Now it’s the biggest global climate and environmental protection event worldwide. Further information is available from the WWF.

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