23.10.2020Bayer 04

At #B04FCA: Digital education on the subject of depression

The Robert Enke Foundation (RES) has been doing important work on education and research into plus the treatment of depression for ten years. The organisation has already paid a number of visits to Bayer 04 with their campaign ‘Robert Enke Foundation on tour’. During the coronavirus pandemic, the project is now being continued digitally – including at the home game for the Werkself against FC Augsburg on Monday 26 October.

Within the scope of this campaign, the foundation offers digital and individual means of contact to acquire information on the illness of depression and appropriate methods of support. Anyone interested or affected will have the opportunity to make contact with a member of the foundation on the matchday via an online platform. Here, the RES member will meet with the person in a chat room to enable a private conversation.

The foundation employees will be available from 17.30 to 20.30 on Monday.

About RES:
The Robert Enke Stiftung supports measures and activities that serve to provide information, research and treatment of depression. In addition, there is the promotion of studies and projects working on the illness, the running of events on the subject and support of institutions that serve the above-mentioned targets. The aim of the foundation is to be able to offer support to as wide a range of people affected as possible.

In order to make it clearer of how the different elements of depression feel, a project was set up called ‘IMPRESSION DEPRESSION - A virtual reality experience from the Robert Enke Stiftung’. With the help of virtual reality goggles, people who are not affected are made aware of the illness through a 15-minute scenario that shows the different feelings and thoughts involved with depression.

The Robert Enke Stiftung (RES) website contains comprehensive information on the symptoms and the work of the foundation.


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