16.08.2016Bayer 04

Brandt: 'I don’t care how we go through'

Noch ein Sieg, dann ist die Medaille sicher! Am Mittwochabend (21 Uhr, live im ZDF) bestreitet die deutsche Olympia-Auswahl um Julian Brandt und Lars Bender das Halbfinale gegen Nigeria und will mit aller Macht ins Endspiel einziehen.
© Bayer 04 Leverkusen Fussball GmbH

The squad is now based in Sao Paulo, the venue for this crucial match. Brandt took time out to answer a few questions for DFB TV.

Julian, being in the semis sounds good – What’s your assessment of the Olympics so far?
Brandt: “It’s getting better and better. We got to off to a bumpy start but we picked it up with the game against Fiji (10-0, editor’s note). It must have boosted our confidence.”

It worked out well. The quarter-final brought a 4-0 win against Portugal.
Brandt: “Yes, that game showed everybody what our team can do. It was really good. I hope it gets even better against Nigeria.”

How do you think Wednesdays’ game will go?
Brandt: “Nigeria are strong up front, quick and their play is a bit crazy. I mean that as a positive as they often take risks. I’m looking forward to finding out all about them in the pre-match analysis. But I don’t think we need to be afraid of them.”

You’ve had the highest number of assists in the tournament so far. Are you saving your first goal for the semi-final?
Brandt: (laughs) “It would be great if I could score too but I’m happy with my role so far. I definitely want to beat Nigeria and I don’t care how we go through whether it’s a goal from me, my assist or even an own goal from the opposition if it has to be.

© Bayer 04 Leverkusen Fussball GmbH

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